I just bought a new mini. I have an original notebook (that is AWESOME by the way) and has Windows XP so im really used to use that. Now how do i change my desktop to a photo in %26quot;My Pictures%26quot;???In Windows 7 how do i change my wallpaper/desktop/background?
No promises here, but you can try following this Seven Forums tutorial - http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/472
Microsoft Windows OutreachIn Windows 7 how do i change my wallpaper/desktop/background?
hit the start button, go to control panel, its under appearance and personalization...
:)In Windows 7 how do i change my wallpaper/desktop/background?
if it has a full version of xp, just right click empty screen, choose desktop, then browse for any pic you have. and pick one. if it's got windows starter as most minis do, yer out of luck ms didn't include changing desktop with starter system.